The purpose of the protocol is not to add unnecessary formality but to reduce confusion and ensure people feel comfortable. The Lord-Lieutenant represents His Majesty The King.


When the Lord-Lieutenant is attending an event in his official capacity in Mid Glamorgan, he should be received with the same degree of etiquette and protocol as any member of the Royal Family.


Where the Lord-Lieutenant is unable to attend and he is represented by his Vice Lord-Lieutenant or a Deputy Lieutenant, the same etiquette and protocol must be followed.


Addressing the Lord Lieutenant

The correct form of address for the Lord-Lieutenant is as follows:

  • Written:  His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Mid Glamorgan
  • Salutation: Dear Lord-Lieutenant
  • In a Speech: In the preamble, the Lord-Lieutenant should be referred to as ‘Lord-Lieutenant. A speech might begin ‘Lord-Lieutenant, Ladies and Gentleman….’
  • Conversation: The Lord-Lieutenant should be initially addressed as ‘Lord-Lieutenant’ and thereafter as Sir.


If the Lord-Lieutenant is represented by his Vice Lord-Lieutenant or a Deputy Lieutenant, the above should be adapted accordingly i.e. ‘Dear Vice Lord-Lieutenant/ Deputy Lieutenant.


If hosts have any queries or questions about the etiquette and protocols for a visit by the Lord Lieutenant they should contact the Lord-Lieutenants Office.



A space should be reserved for his car as close as possible to the entrance.



The Lord-Lieutenant should be met on arrival by the host and escorted from the entrance door to his seat.



In a church, the Lord-Lieutenant should be in a front pew on the left in the first seat adjacent to the aisle (the Mayor if present should be ditto on the right). For funerals, if the family is on the left the Lord-Lieutenant sits on the right side at the front and on the aisle edge. At other functions, the Lord-Lieutenant should be seated in the same place as you would seat a member of the Royal Family: Simply as the principal guest.


Church services

At funerals, the Lord-Lieutenant or his representative (unless attending in a personal rather than official capacity) always enters the church last (2 minutes before the start of the service and before the coffin), and always leaves straight after the family. For other church services, the Lord-Lieutenant or his representative enters last (after the Mayor but before the clergy/choir) and leaves first (before the Mayor but after the clergy/choir).


Lord-Lieutenant`s spouse, if attending, should be seated next to the Lord-Lieutenant, and enter and depart with him.